If you have ever noticed that your Faint Line on The Pregnancy Test is Very Light, you have probably felt confused and scared at the same time. It can be extremely frustrating to wait for the test results in such a scenario. But what such an indication could mean? Does a Pregnancy Test one Dark Line One very Light Line could mean positive result or could it mean something serious or could it be that your test got invalidated? Getting an answer to this question could be difficult. But we will take a dig into the issue for a better understanding. So, let’s see what the implications are like-
Faint Line on The Pregnancy Test is Very Light, Am I Pregnant?
Pregnancy Test one Dark Line One very Light Line- what does it indicate?
If you notice that the Faint Line on The Pregnancy Test is Very Light, then it could mean pregnancy. Now, it could either be a happy news for you or a sad one, but that is the reality.
Faint Line on The Pregnancy Test is Very Light- what could be the reasons?
You have had an early test-
When you don’t know How to do the Pregnancy Test at Home, you might notice a faint line. For the faint line to appear darker, your body must have sufficient HCG. Since the level of HCG is low before you miss your first period after conception, carrying out a pregnancy test at that time could make you see that the Faint Line on The Pregnancy Test is Very Light. And that is why it is advisable that you do the test at least a couple of days after you have missed your first period. But remember, results of Pregnancy Test one Dark Line One very Light Line could still mean you are pregnant. Having a faint line indicates that you have HCG in your body owing to which the faint line got created. But because the level was not sufficient, the line formed was too faint to be recognizable.
The urine you put on the kit was dilute
You get a thick faint line when the HCG present in the urine is concentrated. If you have taken a lot of water before testing for pregnancy, your urine might get diluted and you might see an extremely light faint line. And that is why it is important to test your pregnancy first thing in the morning before you drink or eat anything. It is this lack of knowledge that makes many people misread their pregnancy results. Hence, you should always know How to do the Pregnancy Test at Home.
Because of chemical pregnancy
Early miscarriages are also referred to as chemical pregnancies. And such a miscarriage always happens within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Once your miscarriage has taken place, you have no embryo in your womb. But your body might still contain some residual HCG. It is this HCG that gets detected on your pregnancy test kit. Chemical pregnancies can also be a sign of low progesterone levels in the body. And that is why when you see Pregnancy Test one Dark Line One very Light Line, it could mean you might lose your pregnancy soon. So, if you find out that your progesterone level is low, see a doctor. He might get you on progesterone supplementation for a healthy pregnancy. Also, you might find it hard to believe that a lot of miscarriages happen due to a low progesterone level in the body. By increasing this level with supplementation, your pregnancy can be saved.
Here are some ways to avoid getting a light faint line on the pregnancy kit-
- As discussed above, you must take the test first thing in the morning. It is this time when your urine remains extremely concentrated. Only concentrated urine can give accurate results.
- Another important way is to avoid getting the test done until you have missed your first period. It is only after you have missed it, should you take this test. Before this time, the HCG level in your body is not sufficient to cause a darker faint line on the kit.
- You might know How to do the Pregnancy Test at Home, but if you choose the wrong kit, you might end up getting confusing results. So, choose your kit carefully. Generally, you should get a kit that tests at least 15 miu/L of HCG in the urine. Remember, while some tests can detect pregnancy early on, others will take time to give the accurate result. No matter which pregnancy kit you buy, you can’t rely on its results completely. And that is why seeking medical advice would be the best bet.
And if find out the final result is negative then, there is a possibility that you’re doing something wrong. Then, you must check out the guidelines on How to get pregnant fast and easy.
Now, that you know How to do the Pregnancy Test at Home correctly and also about the considerations that need to be taken into account, there is no reason why you should face any problem in this respect.