I Missed my Period but Not Pregnant | Reasons for Late Period

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Having late periods can be a sign of pregnancy. And that is why women simply dread having delayed periods. So, the first thing you must do when your periods get late is checking whether or not you are pregnant. If pregnancy is not the issue, then one of the following could be the reason behind your delayed period. Check out-

I Missed my Period but Not Pregnant

I Missed my Period but Not Pregnant | Reasons for Late Period

Medication could be the reason

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Missed period not pregnant? Well, it could be due to medications. There are many drugs that delay the onset of period. In fact, one of the most common Reasons for Late Period is medication. If you are on one of such drugs, then the chances of other factors causing your late period are bleak.

Have you just started menstruating?

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If you are a teenage girl who has just started menstruating, then getting late periods is common. This is also one of the most common Reasons for Late Period. So, if you are a small girl who missed her period, then don’t sit wondering, “Why I Missed my Period?” It could very well be because your reproductive hormones have just begun to play their role.

Birth control pills could be the culprit

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“Why I Missed my Period?” This is a question a lot of women on birth control pills may be found asking themselves. They probably don’t realize that all hormones in the body go out of whack when birth control pills are taken. As a result, periods come late. So, if you are on birth control medications, then be sure your late period is because of the medicines you are taking.

Reproductive issues

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Some Reasons for Late Period are not as common as the onset of puberty. Rare reasons could include reproductive diseases. Tumors in the uterus or some other problem could cause your period to delay. If you suspect this could be the reason, you should see your doctor immediately.

Thyroid problems

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“I Missed my Period!” is probably the most embarrassing thing to say to your parents. But all Reasons for Late Period don’t mean that you have conceived a baby. Sometimes, hormonal issues such as those linked to the thyroid glands could be the cause.


I Missed my Period but Not Pregnant

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Missed period not pregnant? Well, don’t be stressed out, as stress could be the underlying problem. Yes, stress makes our body prone to diseases. And hormonal changes can also be triggered due to stress. If hormonal changes have occurred in your body due to stress, then late periods may result.

Sweating it out at the gym

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So, you have missed period not pregnant though. Well, maybe you are working too hard these days. Yes, it’s good to exercise. But when you over exercise, especially after having led a laid-back life, your body gets busy maintaining a steady level of energy for your overworked muscles.

Hence, if you are an athlete, gymnast, ballet dancer or endurance trainer, then don’t sit wondering, “Why I Missed my Period!” It is your passion and profession that must have caused this.

Even after getting pregnant, you must have to choose the exercises very carefully which can help you to the larger extent. For that, you must check out the best workouts for Pregnant women.

A crappy diet

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Someone who missed period not pregnant should also check their diet. Do they take a crappy diet? Well, there is no one else who will be able to answer this question better than they themselves can. For people who take nothing for breakfast, burgers for lunch and beers and chips for dinner could very well suffer from this menstrual issue. To get rid of this problem, you will have to correct your diet. A good diet can indeed bring the entire body back on track.

Excessive weight

I Missed my Period but Not Pregnant

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Deposition of fats around the reproductive organs can also cause delayed periods. So, if you are someone with lots of fats in your body then it would be valuable for you to try losing some weight. You can engage in routine exercises or go on a strict diet for a toned body. Whatever changes you bring about in your lifestyle, make sure they are not abrupt. Any abrupt changes in lifestyle, whether it is linked to your diet or day to day chores, can send your body to a state of shock.

And if you really want to experience the motherhood, then you should read all the guidelines to get pregnant fast and easy for better results.

These are some of the most important reasons that cause delayed periods in women. Hence, if your periods are due, and you are sure it’s not because of pregnancy, then the above mentioned could be some of the most probable causes behind the problem.