Painting is a really good stress buster. Besides, it improves your artistic skills. But sadly, painting is not something you can simply go ahead and do. It requires skills and sometimes, some expertise. If you lack both, don’t get disheartened. Painting is not rocket science, after all. There are hundreds of easy watercolor painting ideas for beginners that you can try out without any hassle. Find some of these listed here for a boost in your painting skills-

Simple Watercolor Painting Ideas For Beginners

Lavender Flowers

Although there are many easy watercolor painting ideas for beginners, this one would be a cakewalk for you. All you need for this amazing painting idea is a little lavender or violet color, and your painting tools. With a couple of easy strokes, your lavender flowers get absolutely ready. You can create leaves using any deep green color. So, all you will need for this painting is two basic colors and some stability of your hand.
Pine Trees

Out of all the easy watercolor painting ideas for beginners we have here, this one helps create the most mesmerizing painting. For this painting, you need nothing other than a green and brown color. While the green color creates your pine trees, the brown one is for the trunk part. This is an immensely easy paining idea and is perfect for all beginner-level painters.
Painting a Cactus Plant

Yes, when we say painting cactus plants, we don’t mean an elaborate cactus garden. Begin with a single plant and then you can work your way up to many together. Begin by creating the base of the plant with deep green shade and then create thorns on it. The process is simple and won’t consume a lot of your time. And guess what, the results are fascinating!
A Basic Globe

If you want to expand your watercolor painting skills, then try something out-of-the-box. You can paint the globe with your limited painting skills. Neither the globe nor its stand is difficult to create. You can make use of your geometry tools like a compass to create this painting. About the globe, you won’t really have to be extremely specific about the countries and states and other relief features, go monochromatic for an easy approach.
A Fall Tree

The best thing about the fall season probably falls tress after fashion. These trees look so heavenly they have always been featured in the cinema. If you too love fall trees, then create one with your watercolors. Use warm shades under red and orange colors and you will get fantastic results.
A Bunch Of Grapes

Do you love grapes? Well, we all do. We love the easy grapes watercolor painting even more. Why not! It is so astonishingly easy to create! Starting from learners to advanced level painters, everyone can try painting black grapes. In painting, these grapes receive a bluish tinge, which makes this artwork all the more special.
A Snow-Capped Mountain

How many times has it so happened that you marveled at a painting and then later found out it was so easy to create it. Well, the painting of a snow-capped mountain in watercolors is one such example. You can end up creating the entire painting with your blue color palette. And this painting requires almost zero expertise.

Easy watercolor painting ideas for beginners given above are so simple you will be able to implement them even if you don’ know the ABC of painting. So, if you always wanted to create art using watercolors, now is the time to do so with the above miracle ideas.
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